King of TowerFall

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King of TowerFall
Appears in King's Court

The King of TowerFall came to power in recent history after battling to win the throne with the assistance of his army of which the red archer was a key figure. In recent times he has fallen victim to dark forces resulting in his corruption. In the trailer for TowerFall Ascension the King can be seen receiving his crown from the cyan archer. The crown's origin is not known but it is believed to be possessed of dark energies. The crown's design with a single large red stone housed in its center is notably similar to that of the waistband worn by the purple archer. When confronted by the heroes at King's Court, the King uses the crown to transform into the King Reaper.

When playing versus in King's Court the King may appear in the background of a level, willing the archers to compete and rejoicing at their defeat.

King Reaper

Using the power contained in his crown, the King transforms into an all powerful demon known as the King Reaper. The King Reaper features in both the King's Court and Ascension stages of the Quest mode as the final boss. Each battle takes place over multiple waves and sees the King Reaper utilize Laser Arrows, Bolt Arrows, laser blasts and explosive projectiles. Players must attack when the King Reaper lowers its defensive shield.

When defeated, the King Reaper reverts into the King's deceased head which tumbles to the ground along with his crown. An achievement is awarded in the Steam version for donning the King's crown after his defeat.