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At the end of each Versus match each player will receive between one and three awards based on their performance. The in-game Archives menu displays a complete list of presently attained awards along with which archer has most often received them. Below is a list of all 70 awards and a description of their criteria.

1 x56 Most Lethal
Killed opponents the most by a margin of 2 or more. Requires 3 or more players. Not awarded in Headhunters.
2 x56 Bubble Breaker Award
Destroyed the most shields.
3 x56 Quick Draw Award
Had the fastest kill occurring within the first 3 seconds of a round.
4 x56 Most Devious
Exploited the screen wrap the most. Shooting an arrow through the screen wrap counts 2 points towards this award and moving through it counts 1 point. A total of at least 10 is required.
5 x56 Most Vindictive
Killed the most opponents after dying by a margin of 3 or more.
6 x56 Greediest
Claimed the most treasure by a margin of 2 or more.
7 x56 Late To The Party Award
Survived the most rounds without getting any kills. Requires 3 or more players. Not awarded in Headhunters.
8 x56 Mostly Harmless
Had the fewest kills with a total of 2 or less. Require 3 or more players.
9 x56 Most Prepared
Collected the most arrows by a margin of 3 or more.
10 x56 Least Prepared
Collected the fewest arrows with a total of 7 or less.
11 x56 Most Trigger-Happy
Spammed the most arrows by a margin of 3 or more and with a total of 5 or more. Spam shots refer to arrows fired consecutively with less than 10 frames (0.16 seconds) in between.
12 x56 Worst Accounting
Had the most failed shots, i.e. attempting to fire when holding no arrows.
13 x56 Who Needs Arrows?
Had the most stomping kills by a margin of 2 or more and with a total of 4 or more.
14 x56 Marksmanship Award
Had the highest kill to shot ratio (excluding explosion kills) after firing 5 or more arrows.
15 x56 Longest Shot
Had the longest shot that traveled 3 or more tiles in distance.
16 x56 Pickpocket Award
Stole the most arrows by a margin of 2 or more. Steal an arrow by touching an opponent when holding no arrows.
17 x56 Happy Accident Award
Had the most kills with falling arrows, i.e. arrows that have collided with another arrow or object and fall downwards with enough velocity to become lethal.
18 x56 Most Regal
Lead the most rounds. Counts the number of times a player begins a round in the lead position. Require 3 or more players. Not awarded in Headhunters.
19 x56 Regicide Award
Killed the leading player(s) the most. Require 3 or more players.
20 x56 Fetal Position Award
Spent the most time crouching with a total of 5 seconds or more.
21 x56 Cannonball Award
Spent the most time fast-falling (press down when falling) with a total of 3 seconds or more.
22 x56 Koala Award
Spent the most time clinging to ledges with a total of 5 or more seconds.
23 x56 Koala Hunter Award
Killed the most players who were clinging to ledges with a total of 2 or more.
24 x56 Most Evasive
Dodged the most.
25 x56 Most Zen
Caught the most arrows. Catch arrows by dodging into them mid-flight.
26 x56 Least Composed
Died the most during dodge cooldown with a total of 3 or more.
27 x56 Artless Dodger Award
Had the most failed dodges, i.e. attempting to dodge after dying, with a total of 3 or more.
28 x56 Most Twitchy
Had the most twitch catches with a total of 2 or more. A twitch catch refers to dodging to catch an arrow during the grace period of 3 frames (0.05 seconds) after being hit.
29 x56 Most Takebacks
Caught your own arrows the most.
30 x56 Super Booper
Had the most dodge stomps with a total of 3 or more.
31 x56 Speed of Light Award
Had the most kills from arrows fired during a hyper (tap-cancelled) dodge.
32 x56 Hyper Booper
Had the most hyper (tap-cancelled) dodge stomps with a total of 3 or more.
33 x56 Hyper Martyr Award
Died the most during hyper (tap-cancelled) dodges.
34 x56 Too Fast Too Furious
Had the most self kills during hyper (tap-cancelled) dodges.
35 x56 Turncloak Award
Had the most teammate kills in Team Deathmatch.
36 x56 Damage Control Award
Caught the most arrows fired by a teammate in Team Deathmatch.
37 x56 Reanimator Award
Revived teammates the most (Team Revive variant) in Team Deathmatch with a total of 3 or more.
38 x56 Most Reckless
Had the most self kills with a total of 2 or more.
39 x56 Most Compressed
Squished to death by moving blocks the most.
40 x56 Grave Digger Award
Killed the most opponents by activating Crusher blocks.
41 x56 Special Delivery Award
Killed the most opponents using bomb trap chests.
42 x56 Nerves of Steel Award
Killed the most opponents during the sudden death miasma.
43 x56 Most Fashionable
Picked up your own hat the most (press down when standing over your hat).
44 x56 Usurper Award
Picked up crowns the most (press down when standing over a crown).
45 x56 William Tell Award
Shot the hats off of player's heads the most with a total of 3 or more.
46 x56 Bottle Rocket Award
Survived the most explosions with a total of 3 or more. The edge of explosions will push players away without harm.
47 x56 Double Kill
Killed 2 opponents with a single explosive arrow.
48 x56 Triple Kill
Killed 3 opponents with a single explosive arrow.
49 x56 Bomb Squad Award
Defused the most bombs. Dodge into an explosive arrow before it explodes to defuse it.
50 x56 Cause And Effect Award
Had the most self kills with Laser Arrows.
51 x56 Bank Shot Award
Killed an opponent using a Laser Arrow with the highest number of bounces with a total of 2 or more bounces.
52 x56 Green Thumb Award
Killed the most opponents using brambles with a margin of 2 or more.
53 x56 X-Ray Vision Award
Killed the most opponents using Drill Arrows through walls with a total of 3 or more.
54 x56 Most Conductive
Killed the most opponents using electric bursts. Electric bursts resulting from either catching a Bolt Arrow or reviving a teammate (Team Revive variant).
55 x56 Right Angle Award
Killed an opponent using a Bolt Arrow with the highest number of mid-flight turns (direction changes) with a total of 2 or more turns.
56 x56 Mastermind Award
Killed the most opponents using Trigger Arrows explosions with a total of 2 or more.
57 x56 Web of Lies Award
Forfeited the most Trigger Arrows. Trigger Arrows are forfeited and become inert when the owner dies without detonating them.
58 x56 Prism Warden Award
Killed the most opponents trapped in prisms with a total of 2 or more.
59 x56 Unstoppable Award
Killed the most opponents whilst being trapped in a prism with a total of 2 or more.
60 x56 Ally Oop Award
Killed the most opponents trapped in prisms fired by a teammate in Team Deathmatch.
61 x56 From The Grave Award
Killed the most opponents as a ghost (Return as Ghosts variant) with a total of 2 or more.
62 x56 Exorcist Award
Killed the most ghosts (Return as Ghosts variant) with a total of 3 or more.
63 x56 Eagle Eye Award
Had the highest kill to shot ratio (including explosion kills) over 0.5 after firing 5 or more arrows.
64 x56 Vendetta Award
Killed a specific opponent more than others. The player must face 2 or more opponents and have a total of 4 or more kills with more than 80% of their kills being the same opponent.
65 x56 Most Thorough
Swept the most rounds. Requires 3 or more players.
66 x56 Comeback King/Queen/Kid
Won the match after being behind the leader by 4 points or more.
67 x56 Steak In Mouth Award
Reached the score requirement but lost the match. May result from the lead player having a self kill in the closing moments of a match or when playing overtime rounds in Head Hunters.
68 x56 Consolation Prize
Awarded when the player receives no other awards.
69 x56 Overachiever Award
Won the match with 2 or more points over the score requirement in Head Hunters. May result from scoring 3 points in the final round of a 4 player match or from playing overtime rounds.
70 x56 Ironman Award
Ended a match with no deaths and 2 or more kills.