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Versus mode is the main attraction of TowerFall and sees up to 4 players compete for victory against each other in a number of different game types. Versus can be played on any of the main stages and each features a number of levels designed specifically for Versus play. Matches take place over a number of rounds, each round taking place on a single level. Rounds end when either all players have died or a victor is determined based on differing rule sets. Matches end when an overall victor is determined based on a points system with the number of points required for victory being adjustable in the match settings menu. At the end of every match players receive various Awards based on their performance. There is also an extensive number of Variants which can be enabled to alter the gameplay.


In all Versus types Autobalance is active by default as a means of keeping matches heated and to make the game more accessible to newcomers. Players in the lead will start each round with fewer arrows and players who are 3 or more points behind the leader will start rounds with a shield. Autobalance can be weakened or disabled altogether using Variants. Autobalance is disabled in standard competitive play.


Be default, a replay of the final moments of each round will play at its conclusion. Holding the Right Trigger button will slow the replay speed. Pressing the Start button will skip the replay and proceed to the score tally screen.

On PC versions, pressing the Left Trigger button on the score tally screen will save the replay as an animated GIF file. The replay saving specifications can be edited using the ReplayExport_Config.xml file found in the TowerFall game files folder. The default save directory for each OS is as follows:

  • Windows: /My Documents/TowerFall Replays/
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/TowerFall/TowerFall Replays/
  • Mac: /[user]/Library/TowerFall Replays/

The in-game options menu also allows for disabling the skipping of replays, displaying player inputs during replays and configuring replay saving to use either the GPU, CPU, or disable altogether.

Last Man Standing


Last Man Standing can be played with 2-4 players and is the main Versus type and the standard for 1-on-1 competitive play. The scoring system sees a single point awarded to the single surviving player of each round. Rounds with no survivors are forfeit and no points are awarded.



Headhunters can be played with 2-4 players and is the main Versus type for free-for-all matches. It features a point system based on kills, 1 point awarded for killing an opponent, and 1 point deducted for self kills. A match will end when a single player scores a winning point, at which point the screen darkens and play continues for a few moments before concluding.


It is possible to enter into overtime rounds if during the concluding moments of a match an opposing player scores a winning point. Overtime rounds see only those players whom have reached the score requirement battle each other for supremacy with rounds repeating until a single player's score is higher than their opponent's.

Team Deathmatch


Team Deathmatch can be played with 3-4 players and sees all players divided into opposing blue and red teams. 2 vs 2 is the standard for team competitive play, though 3 vs 1 and 2 vs 1 matches are also possible. The scoring system is identical to that of Last Man Standing with a single point awarded to the surviving team of each round. Rounds with no survivors are forfeit and no points are awarded. Players can kill their teammate's with arrows, explosions, etcetera, though jumping on a teammate's head does no harm. Arrows can be shared among teammates by physically colliding wherein arrows are passed to the player who has the fewest. When playing in Team Deathmatch, all archers will be recolored either blue or red according to their team. The levels of Team Deathmatch are a mixture of the standard free-for-all levels seen in the other Versus types as well as some specialty levels designed around team play.

See also