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An official Editor is included in the PC version of the Dark World expansion which facilitates user created towers for use in the Versus modes. See the Steam TowerFall Workshop to explore user created towers.

Other modifications are not officially supported, however a Steam group dedicated to TowerFall modifications contains various modding guides and discussions.


A newer fan made modding framework created by Terria. Better, with more mods, including a custom archer loader by RedDude. Custom arrows, a port of TowerBall, and Custom Menus were also created for this framework by CoolModder


FortRise Mods
Mod Description Download
Custom Archer Loader Loads Custom Archers. Made by RedDude Custom Archer Loader
TowerFall Redemption CoolModder's collection of mods. Includes two gamemodes, custom arrows, and menu changes. TowerFall Redemption
Wider Set Mod 8-Player support for Versus and Dark World, and 4-Player support for quest. By Terria and RedDude. Wider Set Mod
NetPlay An Beta Version of TowerFall online with rollback by DShad. Not compatible with other mods NetPlay
Example Mods FortRise mod examples by Terria. Includes a bartizan port. ExampleFortRiseMods


An older fan made modding framework exists under the name Bartizan which only supports the Windows and Linux Steam versions. It features original variants and game modes among other customizations. A newer version, Bartizan+ exists with a few more variants.