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Availability Unlockable in the Ascension update
1v1 Levels 10
FFA Levels 7
Team Levels 6
Treasure Spawn Rates
BombArrows.png Bomb Arrow 30.00%
LaserArrows.png Laser Arrow 30.00%
Shield.png Shield 13.70%
LookingGlass.png Looking Glass 6.85%
DarkOrb.png Dark Orb 4.11%
TimeOrb.png Time Orb 4.11%
LavaOrb.png Lava Orb 4.11%
SpaceOrb.png Space Orb 4.11%
BombChests.png Bomb Chest 2.74%

The aptly-named Moonstone tower is a chunk of the moon that broke off, crashing down to earth and obliterating much of the Mirage Kingdom. It emanates an unsettling, mystical energy and it is here that the White Archer, the Ancient Exile was discovered, frozen in amethyst.


Moonstone's primary distinguishing characteristics are Moon Glass and Proximity Blocks, elements which change how solid blocks affect arrows and players. It also contains both Bomb Arrows and Laser Arrows by default. The combination of these elements makes Moonstone a tower that heavily tests your environmental awareness.


Moonstone can be unlocked in Versus mode. After playing Versus on every starter tower, return to Sacred Ground where on any level where the moon is clearly visible an event will trigger which unlocks Moonstone for play.