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Availability Unlockable in the Ascension update
1v1 Levels ?
FFA Levels ?
Team Levels ?
Treasure Spawn Rates
SingleArrow.png +2 Arrows ?
Shield.png Shield ?
LookingGlass.png Looking Glass ?
DarkOrb.png Dark Orb ?
TimeOrb.png Time Orb ?
LavaOrb.png Lava Orb ?
SpaceOrb.png Space Orb ?
BombChests.png Bomb Chest ?

Gauntlet only appears in Quest mode, where it is the location of two final, secret challenge levels. It is located on the south western continent and takes place in a blue stone fortress set against a desolate sky. For the Dark World mode equivalent, see Dark Gauntlet.


Unlike all other Quest mode stages, the Gauntlet levels do not use a waves system. Instead, enemies will appear continuously, occasionally interrupted by treasure chest spawns. The first Gauntlet stage uses most of the Quest mode enemies from all the other stages, with the notable exception of Skeleton Archers.


To unlock Gauntlet, complete every previous Quest mode stage on Normal difficulty.

Gauntlet II


Gauntlet II takes place in the same location as Gauntlet though uses a different level layout. Unlike Gauntlet, Gauntlet II's enemies are comprised entirely of Skeleton Archers.


To unlock Gauntlet II, complete every previous Quest mode stage, including Gauntlet, on Hardcore difficulty.