Blue archer

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Last of the Order

Last of the Order
Home Tower Backfire
Availability Starts unlocked
Victory Theme

The Last of the Order, or Blue Archer, is an ageless member of an ancient order of protectors. She has little concern for politics or honor, and fights to maintain balance in the world on a cosmic scale.


The Blue Archer is perhaps the only living person aware of the true conflict at hand as the king becomes corrupted by demonic forces from the Dark World. As her name implies, she is the last surviving member of her order.


The Last of the Order is one of the original four archers included in the original TowerFall release. The team wanted the first two selectable characters to be female, so the Vigilante Thief and her became archers 1 and 2, respectively. Additionally, the team wanted to invert the typically gendered color coding of blue and pink, making the blue archer female and the pink archer male - a decision later praised by Feminist Frequency's Anita Sarkeesian. In the TowerFall Ascension release trailer, the Last of the Order is voiced by Ashly Burch.

Notable Players

Last of the Order (alternate)

Last of the Order (alternate)
Home Tower Backfire
Availability Included in the Dark World expansion
Victory Theme

The Alternate Blue Archer's appearance is loosely based on feminist games critic Anita Sarkeesian. Anita's work inspired the TowerFall team to create character designs that appeal to a diverse audience. As thanks for her contribution to games and the development of TowerFall, the developers took the opportunity to immortalize her as the alternate Last of the Order.[1]
