Orange archer

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Turncloak Soldier

Turncloak Soldier
Home Tower King's Court
Availability Starts unlocked
Victory Theme

The Turncloak Soldier, or Orange Archer, was a member of the King of TowerFall's elite guard until he infamously betrayed the King seeking to expose his corruption.


The Orange Archer resided within King's Court as one of the King's elite guard. Thanks to his proximity to the King, he was among the first to bear witness to the corruption that was befalling his monarch and decided to take action hoping to expose the corrupting force and save TowerFall from the tragedy that he could foresee. Fate however was not on his side and due to his infamous act of betrayal against the King the Orange Archer was berated by the King and country he had sworn to protect. Now, the Turncloak Soldier lives as a wanted fugitive, desperate to clear his name and acts to save his beloved kingdom at all costs.


The Turncloak Soldier was the fourth and final archer included in the original TowerFall release.

Loyal Kingsguard

Loyal Kingsguard
Home Tower Unknown
Availability Included in the Dark World expansion
Victory Theme

When the portals linking TowerFall to its Dark World began appearing, the first thing to emerge was the Alternate Orange Archer, the Loyal Kingsguard. The original Orange Archer became a wanted man after his infamous betrayal of TowerFall's King, but this shadow doppelgänger reflects the soldier’s darker side, that aspect of him that would remain loyal to the corrupted monarch. It is believed that the Loyal Kingsguard actively aided the King in spreading discord across TowerFall before returning to the Dark World to seek vengeance on the heroes after the King's defeat.


The Loyal Kingsguard's design is inspired by Alucard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.