Red archer

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Vainglorious Ghoul

Vainglorious Ghoul
Home Tower The Amaranth
Availability Included in the Dark World expansion
Victory Theme

The Vainglorious Ghoul, or Red Archer, is the undead captain of the Amaranth.


The Red Archer was a celebrated war hero, captain of the legendary ship the Amaranth. Her crew battled fierce waters to slip through the northern blockade, the turning point of a great siege. The King himself credits the Red Archer with the fall of TowerFall's capitol, culminating in the swift grab for power that brought him to the throne.

After TowerFall was won she lived as royalty, safe within the walls of the castle. Safe, and bored. The Red Archer’s pride and bombast is ill-suited to such a cushy, sedentary way of life. To while away her days posturing among nobles and parading around in frilly silks was out of the question- but what wars were left to be won? Her next victory had to be even grander than the last. She returned to the seas in the Amaranth, this time to do the impossible. She would sail through a dark portal and conquer whatever she found on the other side. Needless to say, things didn’t go as planned. The Dark World consumes those whose intentions are not pure. The Red Archer, her crew, and even the Amaranth itself were transformed by her demons. The Red Archer is cursed to remain as captain aboard her corrupted vessel, until the day it is destroyed. But even then she will sink with it into the depths, following the shattered remains of the pride that binds her.


The Red Archer is the ninth archer, included in the Dark World expansion. The inclusion of a red archer was thought to be unlikely due to the existence of the red Skeleton Archers in the Quest mode, though it is now speculated that the Skeleton Archers originated as crew members of the Amaranth and are acting under the command of the Vainglorious Ghoul. Unlike the other archers, the Vainglorious Ghoul only draws her bow when firing and appears unarmed when idle.

Nintendo Switch Version

The Red Archer has new unlocking criteria on the Nintendo Switch version. She can be encountered when playing Versus Mode on the Amaranth stage. After the final round of a Versus match, the Red Archer will spawn and the remaining player will have to defeat her in order for the character to be unlocked.

Crimson Corsair

Crimson Corsair
Home Tower The Amaranth
Availability Included in the Dark World expansion
Victory Theme

The Alternate Red Archer is the Crimson Corsair, a privateer aboard the Amaranth. The shackles chaining his wrists together suggest that he may have acted in defiance of the Vainglorious Ghoul, resulting in his incarceration. He is armed with a crossbow as opposed to a traditional bow.