Cyan archer

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Prancing Puppet

Prancing Puppet
Home Tower Sunken City
Availability Unlockable in the Ascension update
Victory Theme

The Prancing Puppet, or Cyan Archer, is largely a mystery. They seem to fight as though they were acting in some grand performance. Whether Cyan wins or loses, the performance always seems to be a comedy where the joke is on their opponent. Cyan is androgynous, and is properly referred to as 'they' rather than 'he' or 'she'.


The Cyan Archer was instrumental in the corruption of the King of TowerFall by evil forces and they are seen handing a crown to the King in the TowerFall Ascension trailer. It is unknown what master this enigmatic jester serves, if any.


The Prancing Puppet was the third archer added to the TowerFall Ascension update. They were designed with Greg Lobanov in mind, a notable TowerFall player and winner of one of the earliest tournaments. When Cyan ducks, the bells on their boots jingle, a detail Kevin Regamey added specifically because Greg and other players had begun celebrating their kills by ducking and unducking rapidly until the round ends. Musician Alec Holowka also designed the victory theme for Cyan with Greg in mind.


The Prancing Puppet can be encountered in Sunken City in the Quest mode, appearing at the end of the stage and attacking using a unique teleportation ability. If you defeat them they will be henceforth unlocked.

Notable Players

Prancing Puppet (alternate)

Prancing Puppet (alternate)
Home Tower Sunken City
Availability Included in the Dark World expansion
Victory Theme

As the Alternate Cyan Archer, the Prancing Puppet enters the battlefield in their favorite onesie. Close inspection reveals that it is modeled after the Eye Bat enemies found in the Co-op modes. Alternate Cyan draws their bow only when firing an arrow; where they conceal it when idle is a mystery.